All-new tabbed interface
File Viewer Plus 5 features a brand new interface, built from the ground up to be modern and easy-to-use. If you're using Windows 11, you'll feel right at home since it was designed to match the Windows 11 appearance.

Create new documents
For the first time ever, File Viewer Plus lets you create files, not just view them. Use the File menu to create new text documents and spreadsheets. You can edit the documents and save them, just like a typical office application.

Fast 64-bit architecture
File Viewer Plus 5 is the first version to be fully 64-bit. That means faster app loading, file loading, and overall performance. We've stress-tested version 5 with dozens of large documents, and it doesn't slow down.

CAD file format support
You can now open and view 2D and 3D CAD files, including popular AutoCAD formats like .DXF and .DWG. Zoom in and out, rotate objects, and hide and show layers with the easy-to-use navigation tools.

Improved navigation
The enhanced file browser makes file navigation even easier. New previous and next arrows in the image viewer enable you to quickly scroll through all the images stored in a folder.